PhD programmes at the Faculty of Arts are either full-time or part-time and the students follow an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervisor. Musicology is a fee-paying programme; the annual study fee is 2 000 CZK. The language of instruction is English.
For further general information see
Entrance examination: one-round examination, interview
Doctoral study program of musicology is open to master graduates in the field of musicology from foreign universities. Candidates are required to make the members of the examining body acquainted with their prior professional career, subject(s) of previous study, practical field experience and publishing activities to date, if applicable. Candidates are obliged to submit a written proposal of their future dissertation project. The proposal will serve as the basis for an academic discussion aimed at examining both the candidates’ familiarity with the essential theoretical foundations of the discipline and their knowledge of topics related to the proposed dissertation project. Candidates should demonstrate elementary passive knowledge of the Czech language. In order to read academic literature and to study sources written in Czech they will be encouraged to improve their Czech language proficiency in the course of their studies.
Development of a project proposal requires a further specification of the topic, which has to be consulted with the potential Ph.D. supervisor.