David Eben was born in Prague in 1965. After graduation from clarinet studies at Prague’s conservatory, he took up musicology at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. Already during his studies, he specialized in medieval music, mainly in Gregorian chant. In 1991 he graduated from Paris conservatory (Conservatoire Nationale Superieur de Musique de Paris) the program Conducting of Gregorian chant, and in the following year he worked as a conductor of the ensemble Choeur gregorien de Paris. Then he also often visited the Solesmes monastery, a centre of research in Gregorian chant, with the view of studying and consulting.
Besides his scholarly work, David Eben is concentrating on the interpretation of Gregorian chant. In 1987 he founded the vocal ensemble Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, which has been intensively recording and giving concerts in almost all European countries, Japan and Israel. The CDs of the ensemble have received a number of awards (Choc du Monde de le Musique, 10 de Repertoire, “Zlata Harmonie” – Golden Harmony Award for the best Czech recording of the year).
Since 1993 he works at the Institute of Musicology of Charles University where he lectures on topics related to Gregorian chant and liturgy. From 2008 to 2013 he worked as professor of Gregorian chant at the University of Lucerne (Switzerland). He regularly tutors in summer courses on theory and practice of Gregorian chant in France, Switzerland and Belgium. On a long term basis he has been co-operating with the Czech Radio in creating programs on Gregorian chant (55-part cycle „Liturgical Year in Gregorian Chant“).
…et ego nesciebam. Überlegungen zum Responsorium Vibrans miles lanceam aus dem Offizium der Heiligen Lanze, in: Karel IV. (1316-1378) a hudební odkaz jeho doby, ed. Lenka Hlávková (forthcoming).
Chapters in Jana Maříková-Kubková (ed.), Katedrála viditelná i neviditelná, Praha 2019:
– Počátky liturgického zpěvu v pražském kostele sv. Víta (pp. 28-38)
– Bohoslužebný program středověkých kapitul (pp. 62-63)
– Arnošt z Pardubic a officium v pražské katedrále (pp. 342-349)
Současné směry interpretace gregoriánského chorálu, in: Hudební věda 54/1 (2017), pp. 89-94.
Strahovské hlaholské zlomky a jejich vztah k pražské chorální tradici, in: Karel IV. a Emauzy, Liturgie – Text – Obraz, vyd. Kateřina Kubínová et al., Praha 2017, pp. 56-67.
Karel IV. a hudba / Karl IV. und die Musik, in: Kaiser Karl IV. 1316-2016, Erste Bayerisch-Tschechische Landesausstellung, Austellungskatalog, Praha 2016, pp. 174-181 [PDF] / Karel IV. a hudba, in: Císař Karel IV. 1316–2016, katalog z výstavy NG, ed. Jiří Fajt – Markus Hörsch, Praha 2017, pp. 174-181 [PDF].
Eine unbekannte Quelle zum Prager Offizium des hl. Adalbert, in: Hudební věda 51/1-2 (2014), pp. 7-20.
Die Evangeliumsantiphonen der Donnerstage in der Fastenzeit, in: Cantus Planus, (Papers read at the 16th meeting, Vienna 2011), Wien 2012, pp. 127-134.
Der Blick von Oben. Gregorianische Inspiration im Werk von Petr Eben; published as conference proceedings: „Musikalische und theologische Etüden zum Verhältnis von Musik und Theologie“, Hg. Wolfgang Müller, Zürich 2012, pp. 201-214.
Eschatologie und Hoffnung in der Liturgie, in: Alter und Bildung, 30 Jahre Seniorenbildung in Luzern, ed. Wolfgang Müller, Fribourg 2010, pp. 121-126.
L´office de saint Eloi dans les manuscrits de la confrérie des orfèvres de Prague, in: De Noyon à Prague, Le culte de Saint Eloi en Bohême médiévale, Praha 2007, pp. 115-156.
Historical Anthology of Music in the bohemian Lands, ed. Jaromír Černý and others, Praha 2005 (cf. the section of sacred monophony pp. 4-30)
Die Benedictus-Antiphonen von Quatember-Mittwoch und Quatember-Freitag im Prager Ritus, in: Miscelanea Musicologica XXXVII, Praha 2003, pp. 63-68.
Die Offiziumsantiphonen der Adventszeit, diss. Charles University, Institute of Musicology, Praha 2003.
O mulier / Vade mulier: Lösen eines „Antiphonenknotens“, in: Cantus Planus (Visegrád 1998), Budapest 2001, pp.119-126.
Organizace liturgického prostoru v bazilice sv. Víta [Organisation of Liturgical Space in Saint Vitus Cathedral in Prague], in: Castrum Pragense 2 (1999), pp. 227-240.
Hudba v předhusitské katedrále [Music in the Prague Cathedral in the 14th Century], in: Pražské arcibiskupství 1344-1994, Praha 1994, pp. 58-70.
Zur Frage von mehreren Melodien bei Offiziums-Antiphonen, Cantus Planus Eger 1993, Budapest 1995, pp. 529-537.
Die Bedeutung des Arnestus von Pardubitz in der Entwicklung des Prager Offiziums, (Cantus Planus Pécs 1990), Budapest 1992, pp. 571-577.