Marc Niubo

doc. Mgr. Marc Niubo, Ph.D.

  • (Agenda) - Institute of Musicology
  • ředitel (head) - Institute of Musicology
Consultation hours
  • čt 15:50-17:30 (po předchozí domluvě)

Institute of Musicology
Místnost č. 459


  • Music of the 17th and 18th centuries (Sacred music, Italian opera)
  • Antonín Dvořák

His research is primarily devoted to music historiography, uncovering the past, exploring compositions, their stories, creators, performers, contexts. His long-standing research topic is Italian opera in Prague, which became the subject of a postdoctoral grant (Italian Opera at the Thun Theatre in Prague 1781-1784), and, in an expanded form, of his habilitation essay Italian Opera in Mozart’s Prague. His research interests also include sacred music – both Czech and Italian, but primarily in the  context of Czech lands. A number of other topics, such as the music of the English or Spanish Baroque, the works of M. A. Charpentier, W. A. Mozart, Antonín Dvořák, questions of performance practice, editorial techniques, and music criticism, are dealt rather occasionally or primarily in teaching. In addition to the basic course Introduction to Music History II, he teaches specialized courses related to the 17th-18th century period, including Bachelor’s and Master’s seminars.

Selected Bibliography

  • Italská opera v mozartovské Praze (Praha, 2022).
  • with Kateřina Bobková-Valentová, „Hudba a divadlo“, in Jiří Hrbek (ed.), Panovnický majestát. Habsburkové jako čeští králové v 17. a 18. století. (Praha, 2021), 135-180.
  • „The Italian opera in Prague in the Eighteenth Century: Networks, Strategies, Repertoires“, in Tatiana Korneeva (ed.), Mapping Artistic Networks. Eighteenth Century Italian Theatre and Opera Across Europe. (Turnhout, 2021), 41-52.
  • with Ingrid Schraffl, „Paisiello’s La frascatana Dramaturgical transformations on its journey through Central Europe“, in Musicologica Austriaca (2017), 1-26.
  • „Pasquale Bondini before Mozart“, in Hudební věda, 52, 3-4 (2015), 317–330.
  • „In search of the operatic archives of Giuseppe Bustelli“, De musica disserenda, 11 (2014), 163–174.
  • „Emoce a dramaturgie opery buffa“, in Cornova, 4, 2 (2014), 53–60.
  • „Bernard Artophaeus and Bohuslav Matěj Černohorský. Casual Examples of Czech Music in Baroque Silesia or the Last Traces of Music by Minorites in Wroclaw?“, in Pawel Gancarczyk, Lenka Hlávková-Mráčková, Remigius Pośpiech (eds.), The Musical Culture of Silesia before 1742 (Frankfurt am Main, 2013).
  • „Giovanni Battista Pergolesi in Eighteenth Century Bohemia“, in Pergolesi Studies, 8 (2013), 287-311.
  • „Giovinette semplicette aneb k pražské podobě Paisiellovy opery La frascatana“, in Divadelní revue, 2 (2012), 74–89.
  • „Griselda aneb Triumf ctnosti na operním jevišti hraběte F. A. Sporcka“, in Manu propria… Sborník příspěvků k životnímu jubileu PhDr. Aleny Richterové (Praha, 2012), 155-173
  • „Italská opera mezi Prahou a Drážďanami v druhé polovině 18. století“, in Cornova 2, 2 (2012), 65-80.
  • „Isabella e Rodrigo: Towards the Late 18th Century Performance Practice at the Dresden Court Opera Theatre“, in Wolfgang Mende (ed.), Partita. Siebenundzwanzig Sätze zur Dresdner Musikgeschichte. Festschrift Hans-Günther Ottenberg (Dresden, 2012), 389–404.
  • „Italská opera ve Stavovském divadle v první třetině 19. století“, in Z. Hojda, M. Ottlová, R. Prahl (eds.), Naše Itálie. Stará i mladá Itálie v české kultuře 19. století (Praha, 2012), 315–327.


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