Jan Ciglbauer studied musicology at Charles University (2006-2007: Freie Universität Berlin; 2009: Mgr.; 2017: Ph.D.). He finished his doctoral studies with a defence of his thesis titled Cantiones Bohemicae – Komposition und Tradition. In 2015 he became a research fellow at the Institute of Musicology, Charles University, and has participated in the research projects “Changing identities in the musical culture of Central Europe in the late Middle-Ages” (Czech Science Foundation; 2015–2017) and “Sound Memories: The Musical Past in Late-Medieval and Early-Modern Europe” (HERA JRP Uses of the Past). Within the latter project, he published Septem Dies. Music at Prague University 1360–1460, a collaborative reconstruction of the musical life at a university college. Recently, he also published Carmina clericorum: Sacred Latin Songs from the 14th and 15th centuries in the Central European University and School milieu, a critical edition of selected late-medieval songs. He continues to explore the tradition and historical context of Central European Latin songs during the 14th and 15th Centuries, especially the songs in the life of late medieval students and intellectuals.
2022: Bedřich Hrozný Prize (together with Lucie Doležalová, Michal Dragoun, Adéla Ebersonová, and Kateřina Voleková) for a series of publications on Crux de Telcz.
(ed.), Septem Dies. Music at Prague University = Hudba na pražské univerzitě 1360–1460 [with the recording Schola Gregoriana Pragensis & Corina Marti, Seven Days with Music at Prague University] (Praha, 2021).
Cantiones Bohemicae – Komposition und Tradition, PhD Diss., (Praha, Univerzita Karlova, 2017) [TEXT]
(ed.), with the collaboration of Martin Bažil, Adéla Ebersonová, and Henry Howard, Carmina clericorum: Sacred Latin songs from the 14th and 15th centuries in the Central European university and school milieu, Monumenta Liturgica Bohemica, 4 (Chomutov, 2020).
‘Continental Reverberations of Angelus ad virginem and Questions of Rhythm’, in Journal of the Alamire Foundation, 15, 1 (2023), 32–52.
‘K dějinám hudby na kolejích pražské univerzity v jejím nejstarším období’, in Studia mediaevalia Bohemica, 9, 1 (2017), 7-19.
Jan Ciglbauer, and Paweł Gancarczyk, ‘Manuscript RC 4 from the Silesian Museum in Opava and an Unknown Song by Petrus Wilhelmi de Grudencz‘, in Muzyka, 62, 2 (2017), 99–105.
‘Antiphon oder Cantio? Auf der Suche nach der Identität des mitteleuropäischen geistlichen Liedes’, in Hudební věda, 53, 2-3 (2016), 117–128.
‘Habent sua fata libelli. Das Lübecker Troparium und mögliche musikalische Interessen des Simon Batz von Homburg’, in Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, 73, 3 (2016), 220–240. [PDF]
‘Quoting, Rethinking and Copying: A Few Remarks on the Tradition of the Monophonic Cantio in Central Europe’, in Hudební věda, 51, 1-2, (2014), 21–32.
Chapters in edited books
‘Closing Formulae of Central European Cantiones: Witnesses to Tradition and Functional Fluidity in Fifteenth-Century Bohemia’, in Catherine A. Bradley (ed.), Music and Liturgy for the Benedicamus Domino c. 800–1650 (Turnhout, Brepols, 2024), 67–79. [DOI]
‘Notované rukopisy z třeboňské knihovny s důrazem na písařskou a sběratelskou činnost Kříže z Telče’, in Michal Dragoun, Adéla Ebersonová, and Lucie Doležalová (eds.), Středověké knihovny augustiniánských kanonií v Třeboni a Borovanech, i (Praha, 2021), 145–153.
‘K hudebnímu a liturgickému kontextu Plzeňské madony. Votivní bohoslužby kolem roku 1400’, in Petr Jindra and Michaela Ottová (eds.), Nad slunce krásnější. Plzeňská madona a krásný sloh (Plzeň, 2020), 144–148.
‘Ein Passauer Antiphonar in Prag, oder ein Prager Antiphonar aus Passau? CZ-Pu III D 10 als Quelle der Passauer Musikgeschichte des 15. Jahrhunderts’, in Robert Klugseder (ed.), Musik und Liturgie in der Diözese Passau im Mittelalter, Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Kulturraumforschung Ostbaierns und der Nachbarregionen 73 (Passau, 2020), 63–82.
‘From Tolerated Addition to Keepers of Tradition: The Authority of the ‘Past’ in Latin Song in Central Europe in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries’, in Karl Kügle (ed.), Sounding the Past: Music as History and Memory (Turnhout, 2020), 121–140. [DOI]
‘There is a Space between Rhythm and Melody. A Musical Analysis of Jan Erik Vold’s Performance Style’, in Ole Karlsen (ed.), Nordisk samtidspoesi. Særlig forholdet mellom musikk og lyrikk (Vallset, 2013), 127–144.
‘Two Alleluia chants in Nicolaus Cosel’s Manuscript: on Creation of New Liturgical Music in 15th-Century Central Europe’, in Paweł Ganzarczyk, Lenka Hlávková, and Remigiusz Pośpiech (eds.), The Musical Culture of Silesia before 1742. New Contexts – New Perspectives (Frankfurt am Main, 2013), 35–43.
‘Neumarkter Cantionale: Geistliche lateinische Lieder um 1470 und ihre Vergangenheit in mitteleuropäischen Handschriften’, in Paweł Gancarczyk, and Agnieszka Leszczyńska (eds.), The Musical Heritage of the Jagiellonian Era (Warszawa, 2012), 83–90.
‘Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Cod. Guelf. 30.9.2: ein neues Bohemikum (?)’, in Jan Baťa, Lenka Hlávková, and Jiří K. Kroupa (eds.), Musical Culture of the Bohemian Lands and Central Europe before 1620 (Praha, 2011), 64–70.